About Us
Our family started on a healthy journey a few years ago. We seemed to all have some sort of skin issues (dry skin, excema, skin fungus, itchy skin, yeast problems, hives and rashes) as well as digestive issues and bad seasonal allergies and asthma.
My journey started with reading as many books and health journals as I could get my hands on. Then we were led to a wonderful Naturopath that introduced us to a food sensitivity blood test that tells you what foods cause inflammation when you eat them. From my studying I knew inflammation is the cause of all illness and ailments. So I was determined to eliminate any inflammation that I could. This began our food journey. I took what foods each family member reacted to on their test and eliminated it from what we all ate. This took a lot of time to prepare all food from scratch or find restaurants that served allergy friendly food options. I began working for the Naturopath as a nutritional counselor to help others in their food journey. All of our skin issues we're cleared up by changing what we ate. But an important factor was using fragrance free, quality products.
This led me to a desire to make my own bath products so I could control the quality of the ingredients. I discovered that you could not only have it smell good from an essential oil but have health benefits from that essential oil in your soap. No more fragrance free products that smelled like nothing. I shared some bath products with family and friends for Christmas and they all seemed to love them so we decided to find a way to share them with everyone. My sister made the packaging and label designs and set up the website. My daughter helped make more batches of soap each day so we can keep up with the demand and cure time for the bars of soap. We have found high quality sources of coconut oil and essential oils.
We love our small family farm that provides everything we need from the land and are happy we can share what we have learned with others.